1. Is BIM relevant in construction industry?
BIM is increasingly becoming more and more relevant in construction industry. BIM is already changing construction processes and adding value to many mostly large-scale projects . As BIM becomes more advanced it will become even more valuable and essential. In some states and regions BIM is already mandatory particularly in public sector construction and infrastructure projects. Gradually more countries will follow and implement BIM as a requirement for larger-scale public projects.
2. Is BIM the answer to the challenges of the construction sector?
Short answer - yes to many of the challenges in the construction sector. Some of the most important ones are preventing inefficiencies in collaboration and coordination often resulting in repetition of work, fragmented mode of working adding to lack of understanding of the project designs which in turn result in clashes on site and ultimately poor vale for money. By using BIM, entire projects can be visualized during preconstruction – logistics, materials, processes and the workforce can be planned efficiently which saves time, money and resources. However, BIM is not solution to all challenges. It is one component in meeting the challenges of the construction sector.
3. Is BIM only beneficial for large construction companies?
In construction industry both large and SMEs compete in the same market. To remain relevant and competitive companies at the both end of the spectrum can benefit from using BIM. BIM enables less people to do more in less time. And regardless of their specialty any construction company ca benefit from BIM whether that is a large construction company, architectural practice or building services consultants and contractors. The outlay costs on software, training etc will be recouped by savings made on outsourcing, time for producing required output with less errors as well as gains by being able to compete with larger companies in the market and by increasing company’s marketability.